This page is dedicated to recording reports through the years. This is an interesting read on OH3 and the crisis in ZIMBABWE. What our brethren are FACING is very real and extremely serious. If you want to read recent reports then visit the report PAGE THAT HIGHLIGHTS that given year.
The reports (including highlights of the past) begin in 2008 into 2020. For better compartmentalization, we have begun to switch reports (beginning in 2020) to a annual page format. Please read these reports to learn about the issues our brothers and sisters are facing. Please pray for this work and consider helping.
OH3 News... It's a done deal! thanks !
Posted 3/14/2011
OH3 is trying to replace the funds that were sent to Zimbabwe on behalf of Charity Chikombe, a preacher's wife and daughter living in Bulawayo. Open Hearts Helping Hands sent $2300 to help with her two trips to S.Africa to see doctors, visas, travel expenses, lodging, and the procedure to deal with her cervical cancer. We're happy to report that the procedure to burn those cancer cells out was successful and she is recovering nicely.
These funds came from our OPERATIONS account and we were glad to be able to help. Charity is a wonderful Christian wife and mother.
We would like to rebuild that fund now. If you'd like to help replace those funds on Charitiy's behalf you can help by sending your checks (noted for Charity Chikombe) to...
Open Hearts Helping Hands 15591 N. State Road 9 Summitville, IN 46070.
Or you can use PayPal and your charge card. Just leave a note in the comment section that funds are on intended for Charity Chikombe.
We'll keep the chart at the right updated on that effort. Once again, We thank you for your help, partnership, and fellowship in this work.
Mac and Mike
Posted 3/14/2011
OH3 is trying to replace the funds that were sent to Zimbabwe on behalf of Charity Chikombe, a preacher's wife and daughter living in Bulawayo. Open Hearts Helping Hands sent $2300 to help with her two trips to S.Africa to see doctors, visas, travel expenses, lodging, and the procedure to deal with her cervical cancer. We're happy to report that the procedure to burn those cancer cells out was successful and she is recovering nicely.
These funds came from our OPERATIONS account and we were glad to be able to help. Charity is a wonderful Christian wife and mother.
We would like to rebuild that fund now. If you'd like to help replace those funds on Charitiy's behalf you can help by sending your checks (noted for Charity Chikombe) to...
Open Hearts Helping Hands 15591 N. State Road 9 Summitville, IN 46070.
Or you can use PayPal and your charge card. Just leave a note in the comment section that funds are on intended for Charity Chikombe.
We'll keep the chart at the right updated on that effort. Once again, We thank you for your help, partnership, and fellowship in this work.
Mac and Mike

OH3 News...
Posted 2.27.12
That's always the question that comes our way when we run late with these reports (And I'm always late somehow) This is nothing more (or less) than your effort, an effort of New Testament Christians who care, so your concern is welcomed.
How about a summation?During 2011 our partners (that you reader!) contributed just under $34,000 to helping New Testament Christians family by family. As you already know, these contributions were/are ALL from individual pocketbooks, wallets, checkbooks, charge cards, garage sales, giving up lunches, children's chore money, movie money, pizza money, and numerous other INDIVIDUAL sources. No funds were requested or accepted from any church treasuries. I've got to say that efforts like this make me so proud of my Christian brothers and sisters that it sometimes causes me to weep. Basically those funds were spent on a food shipment of nearly $14,000, another one of $13,000 and a seed purchase of nearly $7,000.
Additionally, OH3 was able to basically rebuild the truck that brother Mountbatton Brewer has put over half a million miles on, while he preaches and delivers food to brethren. If you remember, Brewer slid off off the road and pretty well totaled the truck last year putting him and us almost out of business. We finished off that rebuild with four new tires in January
The truck, out of business a few months ago and then back to work...
Posted 2.27.12
That's always the question that comes our way when we run late with these reports (And I'm always late somehow) This is nothing more (or less) than your effort, an effort of New Testament Christians who care, so your concern is welcomed.
How about a summation?During 2011 our partners (that you reader!) contributed just under $34,000 to helping New Testament Christians family by family. As you already know, these contributions were/are ALL from individual pocketbooks, wallets, checkbooks, charge cards, garage sales, giving up lunches, children's chore money, movie money, pizza money, and numerous other INDIVIDUAL sources. No funds were requested or accepted from any church treasuries. I've got to say that efforts like this make me so proud of my Christian brothers and sisters that it sometimes causes me to weep. Basically those funds were spent on a food shipment of nearly $14,000, another one of $13,000 and a seed purchase of nearly $7,000.
Additionally, OH3 was able to basically rebuild the truck that brother Mountbatton Brewer has put over half a million miles on, while he preaches and delivers food to brethren. If you remember, Brewer slid off off the road and pretty well totaled the truck last year putting him and us almost out of business. We finished off that rebuild with four new tires in January
The truck, out of business a few months ago and then back to work...
The last time you heard from me and OH3 was August and the four tons of seed that YOU purchased through OH3 was in and food requests from the Tsholotsho area (Northwest Zimbabwe) was down. Thanks to God and our partners approximately 120 villages where New Testament Christians were located were eased from the food shortage problem.
Please let me add a note here. There are a number of evangelists that are working in DIFFERENT areas of Zimbabwe to help Christians procure food and seed at the right seasons.
The rainfall over the year can be different from North to South and from East to West. Needs can be different at different times of the year and although those helping in these different areas can overlap in their efforts sometimes, sometimes reports can be confusing. We at OH3 do not presume to speak to the needs of the whole nation or even outside the particular areas where we are focused on the needs of Christians, but only in the Northwest area of Zim where we try and keep close contact with our messengers. Leslie Maydell (coming up from S. Africa), Paddy Kendall-Ball, and Al Payne are just a few of the names of men who come quickly to mind who are working in other areas.
There are other good men working also and we would just ask that you might keep reports from different areas of the country in their context. Because one area has rainfall, good crops, and a good report does not necessarily contradict another part of the county having scarce rainfall and resultant hard times. Because the immediate food needs in Tsholosho were lessened over the past few months, OH3 was able to turn its attention to the San people. We have introduced these folks to you as the original bushmen of Zimbabwe. Christians of that group in quite a few villages, a number that is growing by leaps and bounds, are in the process of changing their culture from a seasonally roaming, hunting and gathering culture to a farm based agrarian culture where local congregations can exist, worship together as spiritual families, and encourage one another. Oh3 has helped in that effort from our Operations fund (NOT the food fund) by helping to purchase donkeys and ploughs and corral lumber for farm work. Brewer, Chicombe, Lunga, and the other men that work together to deliver food and seed also preach and teach and hold protracted meetings with the San as they make their rounds. Almost every report of their travels bring news of baptisms and growing congregations among the San People.
Some of these meetings/preachers are pictured below.
The last time you heard from me and OH3 was August and the four tons of seed that YOU purchased through OH3 was in and food requests from the Tsholotsho area (Northwest Zimbabwe) was down. Thanks to God and our partners approximately 120 villages where New Testament Christians were located were eased from the food shortage problem.
Please let me add a note here. There are a number of evangelists that are working in DIFFERENT areas of Zimbabwe to help Christians procure food and seed at the right seasons.
The rainfall over the year can be different from North to South and from East to West. Needs can be different at different times of the year and although those helping in these different areas can overlap in their efforts sometimes, sometimes reports can be confusing. We at OH3 do not presume to speak to the needs of the whole nation or even outside the particular areas where we are focused on the needs of Christians, but only in the Northwest area of Zim where we try and keep close contact with our messengers. Leslie Maydell (coming up from S. Africa), Paddy Kendall-Ball, and Al Payne are just a few of the names of men who come quickly to mind who are working in other areas.
There are other good men working also and we would just ask that you might keep reports from different areas of the country in their context. Because one area has rainfall, good crops, and a good report does not necessarily contradict another part of the county having scarce rainfall and resultant hard times. Because the immediate food needs in Tsholosho were lessened over the past few months, OH3 was able to turn its attention to the San people. We have introduced these folks to you as the original bushmen of Zimbabwe. Christians of that group in quite a few villages, a number that is growing by leaps and bounds, are in the process of changing their culture from a seasonally roaming, hunting and gathering culture to a farm based agrarian culture where local congregations can exist, worship together as spiritual families, and encourage one another. Oh3 has helped in that effort from our Operations fund (NOT the food fund) by helping to purchase donkeys and ploughs and corral lumber for farm work. Brewer, Chicombe, Lunga, and the other men that work together to deliver food and seed also preach and teach and hold protracted meetings with the San as they make their rounds. Almost every report of their travels bring news of baptisms and growing congregations among the San People.
Some of these meetings/preachers are pictured below.
As well, note the cool mobile baptisteries that they use...
One of the "UPs" that we can report on was the successful removal of a cervical cancer from Charity Chicombe. She had to go to South Africa for the procedure and again for a follow up, but as of this writing this mother of two and wife to Solomon Chicombe, gospel preacher and another of OH3's messengers has been declared cancer free and is healthy and well. We rejoice with this young family who has been going through so much over the past few months.
OH3 did assist the Chicombe's with their medical bills and travel to South Africa. This was done from the operations fund, not the food fund, and if you have checked out the NEWS page on our website OPENHEARTSHELPINGHANDS.COM you can see that that those funds have been competently replaced, due once more to the generosity of our partners. Below is the latest pic we have of Charity and Solomon and their family, cancer free!
One of the "UPs" that we can report on was the successful removal of a cervical cancer from Charity Chicombe. She had to go to South Africa for the procedure and again for a follow up, but as of this writing this mother of two and wife to Solomon Chicombe, gospel preacher and another of OH3's messengers has been declared cancer free and is healthy and well. We rejoice with this young family who has been going through so much over the past few months.
OH3 did assist the Chicombe's with their medical bills and travel to South Africa. This was done from the operations fund, not the food fund, and if you have checked out the NEWS page on our website OPENHEARTSHELPINGHANDS.COM you can see that that those funds have been competently replaced, due once more to the generosity of our partners. Below is the latest pic we have of Charity and Solomon and their family, cancer free!

We're going to leave you with this last pic, below, from Zimbabwe. I hope it means as much to you as it did to me when I read the tagline that brother Brewer attached to it in his report. His description of this pic was, "San people being addressed by headman who gave words of wisdom and thanks to OH3 for all their help." That reference to OH3 is you, reader. What a great thing you have done in the Lords name.

We have recently been contacted by Brewer with the statement that last years food crop, although good, is about used up and some are beginning to need food help again. We are gathering funds as quickly as possible for another food shipment, but we're only about halfway there. If you've been wondering about the need, stop wondering. Now would be the perfect time to spread the word that funds are needed once again. Things have been improving and we pray that they will continue to improve for our brethen in Zimbabwe, but for now, the opportunity to extend a "cup of cold water" in the Savior's name is still present. Can you help?
It bears repeating that those that have been with us for awhile know that 100% of the funds donated to food actually get used for food and transporting that food. We keep another account however, called OPERATIONS, in another bank in another state, just to keep it completely separate. That account is funded only by donations that are directed specifically to that account. We use the OPERATIONS account for everything besides food and transport. We use it for bank fees, accounting costs, and mundane costs associated with keeping things going. We also use it at our discretion to help with temporary needs that are not food needs. We use it for medical help and travel, phone bills, bicycles for walking preachers, blankets for naked children and adults, purchasing donkeys, plows, and lumber to build corrals for the donkeys. Anything that we think needs doing for Christians in serious need that is not food... comes from this account.
If you feel confident in our judgment in how we use these funds we'd invite you partner in these needs by sending your donation to the Indiana account listed on this website. By all means however, if you have to choose between FOOD and OPERATIONS, choose food. That is our main thrust here at Open Hearts Helping Hands.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website farther at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
I cannot thank you enough for joining with us in this effort. God will reward your efforts.
We have recently been contacted by Brewer with the statement that last years food crop, although good, is about used up and some are beginning to need food help again. We are gathering funds as quickly as possible for another food shipment, but we're only about halfway there. If you've been wondering about the need, stop wondering. Now would be the perfect time to spread the word that funds are needed once again. Things have been improving and we pray that they will continue to improve for our brethen in Zimbabwe, but for now, the opportunity to extend a "cup of cold water" in the Savior's name is still present. Can you help?
It bears repeating that those that have been with us for awhile know that 100% of the funds donated to food actually get used for food and transporting that food. We keep another account however, called OPERATIONS, in another bank in another state, just to keep it completely separate. That account is funded only by donations that are directed specifically to that account. We use the OPERATIONS account for everything besides food and transport. We use it for bank fees, accounting costs, and mundane costs associated with keeping things going. We also use it at our discretion to help with temporary needs that are not food needs. We use it for medical help and travel, phone bills, bicycles for walking preachers, blankets for naked children and adults, purchasing donkeys, plows, and lumber to build corrals for the donkeys. Anything that we think needs doing for Christians in serious need that is not food... comes from this account.
If you feel confident in our judgment in how we use these funds we'd invite you partner in these needs by sending your donation to the Indiana account listed on this website. By all means however, if you have to choose between FOOD and OPERATIONS, choose food. That is our main thrust here at Open Hearts Helping Hands.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website farther at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
I cannot thank you enough for joining with us in this effort. God will reward your efforts.
OH3 News...
Posted 3/05/2011
(to check out the updated report from this post with pictures, go to this link....)
On the FOOD side...
We've been busy here in this first quarter of 2011 and thought we should share what's been going on since you, the readers, are the biggest part of this effort.
First, we should mention that the crops are growing and hope is in the air as the four tons of seed you bought last year is coming to maturity in the next 30 to 60 days. That investment will really be a help to the food situation of our brethren in Zimbabwe and we thank you for your sacrifice in that area.
The flip side of that coin is that although the crops are coming, they are still two to three months out and the Christians in Zimbabwe have the same bad habit that most of us have, they like to eat on a somewhat daily basis. Last month we purchased four hundred 50 kilo. bags of food for Chistian families. That is 400 Christian families that will have food to eat for the next six weeks or more. There were actually 100 more families that requested help, but this emptied us out for the moment. Our hope is that by time this food is distributed our coffers will have refilled themselves somewhat because of the wonderful commitment of so many partners. Again, I've got to say thank you for joining us in this effort.
On the OPERATIONS side...
Those that have been with us for awhile know that 100% of the funds donated to food actually get used for food and transporting that food. We keep another account however, called OPERATIONS, in another bank in another state, just to keep it completely separate. That account is also funded by donations that are directed specifically to that account. We use the OPERATIONS account for everything besides food. We use it for bank fees, accounting costs, and mundane costs associated with keeping things going. We also use it at our discretion to help with temporary needs that are not food needs. We use it for medical help, phone bills, bicycles for walking preachers, blankets for naked children and adults, purchasing donkeys, plows, and lumber to build corrals for the donkeys. Anything that we think needs doing for Christians in serious need that is not food, comes from this account.
Two more donkeys were purchased last month, one of them being pregnant. Three for the price of two, sweet huh?
On a less humerous note, Charity Chikombe, wife of Solomon Chikombe and mother of two small children was diagnosed with cancer last month. OH3 sent Solomon funds to take Charity to South Africa to see specialists. The prognosis was that the cancer cells could be burned off, but the Chikombe's visa expired before the procedure could be performed. They had to return to Zim. We will be sending more funds to help them with their return trip this month. Solomon is a young preacher and although my experience is limited, IMHO he is one of the best speakers i heard. He is well liked by the brethren there, teaches well on his feet, and his wife Charity is a joyful, hospitable, supporter and encourager of his work. As well, she is the daughter of Mountbatton Brewer, gospel preacher and one of our trusted messengers. We solicit your prayers on behalf of Charity Chicombe. She is a worthy young Christian woman.
The above needs have drained the operations account. If you feel confident in our judgment in how we use these funds we'd invite you partner in these needs by sending your donation to the Indiana account listed on this website. By all means however, if you have to choose, choose food. That is our main thrust here at Open Hearts Helping Hands.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website farther at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
I cannot thank you enough for joining with us in this effort. God will reward your efforts.
Posted 3/05/2011
(to check out the updated report from this post with pictures, go to this link....)
On the FOOD side...
We've been busy here in this first quarter of 2011 and thought we should share what's been going on since you, the readers, are the biggest part of this effort.
First, we should mention that the crops are growing and hope is in the air as the four tons of seed you bought last year is coming to maturity in the next 30 to 60 days. That investment will really be a help to the food situation of our brethren in Zimbabwe and we thank you for your sacrifice in that area.
The flip side of that coin is that although the crops are coming, they are still two to three months out and the Christians in Zimbabwe have the same bad habit that most of us have, they like to eat on a somewhat daily basis. Last month we purchased four hundred 50 kilo. bags of food for Chistian families. That is 400 Christian families that will have food to eat for the next six weeks or more. There were actually 100 more families that requested help, but this emptied us out for the moment. Our hope is that by time this food is distributed our coffers will have refilled themselves somewhat because of the wonderful commitment of so many partners. Again, I've got to say thank you for joining us in this effort.
On the OPERATIONS side...
Those that have been with us for awhile know that 100% of the funds donated to food actually get used for food and transporting that food. We keep another account however, called OPERATIONS, in another bank in another state, just to keep it completely separate. That account is also funded by donations that are directed specifically to that account. We use the OPERATIONS account for everything besides food. We use it for bank fees, accounting costs, and mundane costs associated with keeping things going. We also use it at our discretion to help with temporary needs that are not food needs. We use it for medical help, phone bills, bicycles for walking preachers, blankets for naked children and adults, purchasing donkeys, plows, and lumber to build corrals for the donkeys. Anything that we think needs doing for Christians in serious need that is not food, comes from this account.
Two more donkeys were purchased last month, one of them being pregnant. Three for the price of two, sweet huh?
On a less humerous note, Charity Chikombe, wife of Solomon Chikombe and mother of two small children was diagnosed with cancer last month. OH3 sent Solomon funds to take Charity to South Africa to see specialists. The prognosis was that the cancer cells could be burned off, but the Chikombe's visa expired before the procedure could be performed. They had to return to Zim. We will be sending more funds to help them with their return trip this month. Solomon is a young preacher and although my experience is limited, IMHO he is one of the best speakers i heard. He is well liked by the brethren there, teaches well on his feet, and his wife Charity is a joyful, hospitable, supporter and encourager of his work. As well, she is the daughter of Mountbatton Brewer, gospel preacher and one of our trusted messengers. We solicit your prayers on behalf of Charity Chicombe. She is a worthy young Christian woman.
The above needs have drained the operations account. If you feel confident in our judgment in how we use these funds we'd invite you partner in these needs by sending your donation to the Indiana account listed on this website. By all means however, if you have to choose, choose food. That is our main thrust here at Open Hearts Helping Hands.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website farther at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
I cannot thank you enough for joining with us in this effort. God will reward your efforts.

OH3 News...
Posted 1/20/2011
2010 Wrap up
Here in Indiana we're at half our annual snowfall with half a winter yet ahead. But we're also warm, working, and have plenty of food. It's quite a different picture in Africa however, and brothers and sisters are thinking of you and the Lord with gratitude in their hearts. Although the situation is not ideal in Zimbabwe, it is better than two years ago when this work started and it is due to each one that receives this email. You are the open hands which God has used to pass his blessings along.
I was requested to pull the strings together in this work for a few contributors who wanted a vision of the coming year so I thought that I would share that response with you.
From the beginning then...
The first year (Nov 08 to Oct. 2009) was our most desperate year. It was a crisis time in Zimbabwe politically, financially, and economically. We took in and used approximately $90,000 for food and transporting that food. The food was delivered by preachers without compensation using semi-trailers sometimes, while usually using a small diesel pickup with over a half million miles on it as well as the used pickup we bought when over there in '08.
The second year (Nov 09 to Oct 2010) we received and used a little over $30,000 in donations that went likewise for food and transport, as well as over four tons of seed for planting. The starvation was pushed back this year so things were a little better on that front, but Mountbatton Brewer's evangelistic work led to great inroads among the San people, the original bush people of Africa, so some extra mouths needing food were added to our list. Other congregations were referred to us outside of the area where we were helping out, but we were saying "no" to quite a few food requests from time to time simply because we emptied our coffers a couple of time.
Posted 1/20/2011
2010 Wrap up
Here in Indiana we're at half our annual snowfall with half a winter yet ahead. But we're also warm, working, and have plenty of food. It's quite a different picture in Africa however, and brothers and sisters are thinking of you and the Lord with gratitude in their hearts. Although the situation is not ideal in Zimbabwe, it is better than two years ago when this work started and it is due to each one that receives this email. You are the open hands which God has used to pass his blessings along.
I was requested to pull the strings together in this work for a few contributors who wanted a vision of the coming year so I thought that I would share that response with you.
From the beginning then...
The first year (Nov 08 to Oct. 2009) was our most desperate year. It was a crisis time in Zimbabwe politically, financially, and economically. We took in and used approximately $90,000 for food and transporting that food. The food was delivered by preachers without compensation using semi-trailers sometimes, while usually using a small diesel pickup with over a half million miles on it as well as the used pickup we bought when over there in '08.
The second year (Nov 09 to Oct 2010) we received and used a little over $30,000 in donations that went likewise for food and transport, as well as over four tons of seed for planting. The starvation was pushed back this year so things were a little better on that front, but Mountbatton Brewer's evangelistic work led to great inroads among the San people, the original bush people of Africa, so some extra mouths needing food were added to our list. Other congregations were referred to us outside of the area where we were helping out, but we were saying "no" to quite a few food requests from time to time simply because we emptied our coffers a couple of time.

The above work was done with monies that were sent to food and transport. We are very careful to keep funds separated, using separate bank accounts in separate states, so that anything sent for food goes to food and transporting that food, period, 100%. BTW, we were made aware of some preaching brethren that were making the rounds denying the possibility that we were using 100% of our food funds that way. We will not deign to judge their motives about why they would say such a thing. We WILL only say that they spoke in ignorance and perhaps continue to do so. They have never contacted us to ask a single question and unless banks are now giving out info to inquirers they cannot possibly know a thing about which they speak. I'm sorry that brothers who care so much for the plight of their brethren would stoop to such baseless, empty, and false accusations. And I'm sorry if any of our partners sat in one of these men's audiences and were caused one moment of doubt. You are welcome to call and ask questions, and some have, at any time.
Additionally we took in about $10,000 over the past two years that was sent specifically to "Operations." That money was used at our discretion to buy several donkeys, a plow, some lumber for corrals, blankets for Christians, catch up some dialysis bills that were owed, travel expenses and bills for medical help, and some emergency food help when the food coffers were empty.
Additionally we took in about $10,000 over the past two years that was sent specifically to "Operations." That money was used at our discretion to buy several donkeys, a plow, some lumber for corrals, blankets for Christians, catch up some dialysis bills that were owed, travel expenses and bills for medical help, and some emergency food help when the food coffers were empty.
Although the seed and a good rainy season were blessings to the brethren last year, $30,000 for the year had us sitting on our hands much of the time. We had to turn a couple dozen congregations down last year. We just couldn't help them. For this coming year? I don't think the need is up to the level of 09. President Mugabe loosened a few of the political restrictions this past year that helped to ease things somewhat and increase the flow of money in the economy. For 2011 I would estimate a need between $50 - $60,000, however, based on the fact that we could not assist all that requested in the northwest quadrant and some congregations began to be found in the northeast that had received no aid and no one in our organization had been aware of their need. They will need some help in the coming year, I'm sure.

Let me say once more, thanks to all those who sent funds to the Indiana OPERATIONS account, allowing us this discretionary form of assistance. We are acutely aware of the trust you give us and the responsibility involved. I mention this fund in this flash to make everyone aware, if you'd like to help with various needs like donkeys, plows, medical help, etc, that money must be sent to the Indiana address on the website. Those funds DO NOT come from the food account. That fund does need some replenishment from time to time.
All funds sent to the Florida account go completely, 100%, to food and transport. That continues to be our goal. PayPal funds can be designated to either account. If there is no note with PayPal funds designating where they go... they go to food.
If you know brothers and sisters who would like to help in this work, send them to our website. Many Christians have written that they had been looking for a way to help and found it in OH3. Maybe you know some like this. There is a PDF flyer on the website that can be printed out and handed out, or posted on bulletin boards at the church building, but nothing will do more than your word-of-mouth recommendation. Help us to be able to "yes" to hungry brethren instead of "sorry."
The Last Word And an ADDRESS CHANGE
Please note the new address change for sending funds to the food account. The PO Box store we were using closed down, so a change of address was necessary. Our NEW address to receive funds for food is now..
PO Box 341514
Tampa, Fl.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
Thank you so much for your help. God will reward your efforts.
Other OH3 News...
Posted 3/27/09 - Good News in Zimbabwe at Last
The reports we’re getting here at OH3 have said the rain has come and the crops are growing. There is not enough food growing in the field to alleviate the crisis, but it will be helpful, and in fact already is. Some food is being supplemented already with “green maize.”
Other reports seem to indicate that allowing foreign currency to be used in the country is also helping the economy to some extent. Some products are beginning to appear on those empty store shelves again.
With help from contributors, OH3 set in motion another food shipment into the Tsholotsho area as well as some into Bulawayo itself 3/27/09. 10.5 Tons of meal and the funds to deliver it will feed another 210 families for over a month. Although we deal in “families” rather than individuals, that figure of 210 families could easily mean well over 1,000 Christians and their children will continue to have food in their homes for the next 4 to 6 weeks. May God richly return blessings on every single partner and volunteer in this effort.
Posted 2/21/09 - Below are photos of food delivered to the brothers and sisters in Christ in Zimbabwe.
All funds sent to the Florida account go completely, 100%, to food and transport. That continues to be our goal. PayPal funds can be designated to either account. If there is no note with PayPal funds designating where they go... they go to food.
If you know brothers and sisters who would like to help in this work, send them to our website. Many Christians have written that they had been looking for a way to help and found it in OH3. Maybe you know some like this. There is a PDF flyer on the website that can be printed out and handed out, or posted on bulletin boards at the church building, but nothing will do more than your word-of-mouth recommendation. Help us to be able to "yes" to hungry brethren instead of "sorry."
The Last Word And an ADDRESS CHANGE
Please note the new address change for sending funds to the food account. The PO Box store we were using closed down, so a change of address was necessary. Our NEW address to receive funds for food is now..
PO Box 341514
Tampa, Fl.
As usual, for more info or questions you can always check out our website at or email me direct at [email protected].
Remember that Open Hearts Helping Hands IS an IRS 501(c)3 tax deductible organization. We make no bones about standing here with our hand out. :-)
Thank you so much for your help. God will reward your efforts.
Other OH3 News...
Posted 3/27/09 - Good News in Zimbabwe at Last
The reports we’re getting here at OH3 have said the rain has come and the crops are growing. There is not enough food growing in the field to alleviate the crisis, but it will be helpful, and in fact already is. Some food is being supplemented already with “green maize.”
Other reports seem to indicate that allowing foreign currency to be used in the country is also helping the economy to some extent. Some products are beginning to appear on those empty store shelves again.
With help from contributors, OH3 set in motion another food shipment into the Tsholotsho area as well as some into Bulawayo itself 3/27/09. 10.5 Tons of meal and the funds to deliver it will feed another 210 families for over a month. Although we deal in “families” rather than individuals, that figure of 210 families could easily mean well over 1,000 Christians and their children will continue to have food in their homes for the next 4 to 6 weeks. May God richly return blessings on every single partner and volunteer in this effort.
Posted 2/21/09 - Below are photos of food delivered to the brothers and sisters in Christ in Zimbabwe.
Posted 2/13/09 - Subject: US dollars now accepted in Zimbabwe.
Mountbatton Brewer has communicated with us that the Zim Government is now allowing US dollars and other foreign exchanges to be used in Zimbabwe; thus, Western Union is allowed to payout US dollars coming from the US wires. Brewer can now collect US dollars at the Zimbabwe Western Union, and there is a Western Union office in Bulawayo. Note that it must be stated on the wire form, “payout only in US Dollars.” This, no doubt, comes from the fact that Zim dollars are next to useless and foreign currency is really the only viable currency available. This should speed up the provision of food for needy Christians since Brewer, and others, won’t have to go into Botswana to receive the wires now. He can receive wires in Bulawayo. Mike
Posted 2/7/09 - This is an excerpt from Les Maydells latest report. Les is located in South Africa but is acting as a messenger of the churches and coordinating a great deal of drought relief for brethren in South Eastern Zimbabwe. God bless his efforts. You’ll be interested in his observations. Mac
For several months the two main political parties of Zimbabwe, Zanu-PF (the ruling party) and the MDC (who won over 50% of the vote in the April 2008 elections), have been holding talks. They make and break agreements. No one knows what is going to happen next. This causes continued hardship on everyone in Zimbabwe. The economy has virtually collapsed. Zimbabwe inflation is unmeasurable, and the currency is worthless. Most people in Zimbabwe now use Rands and US Dollars to do business, but at highly-inflated prices. Education has been seriously disrupted for nearly a year, it is virtually impossible to get medical treatment, electricity and water are only spasmodically available, trash is not being collected, cholera has infected over 60 000 and killed over 4000, mail takes months to deliver, basic food is only available in foreign currency (which the average Zimbabwean does not have), etc. Foreign aid has been hindered, partly because of the world recession and partly because it hinges on Zanu-PF and the MDC forming a unity government (something that has been going to happen “next week” for the past 6 months). The World Health Organization says that over 7 million Zimbabweans are dependent on food aid for survival. (It is estimated there are about 10 million Zimbabweans left in the country.) Reuters estimates that over US$2 BILLION in goods/currency was sent last year from private people outside Zimbabwe (most of them expatriates) to their relatives and friends inside Zimbabwe – just so they can survive. (For more information about Zimbabwe you can visit
What amazes me is that, on the surface, life is seems so normal, but .... You go to visit someone in the spotlessly-clean hospital, but ... you can’t find a nurse or doctor (they are striking to be paid in foreign currency). The streets are clean, but ... trash is rotting behind walls and in overgrown fields. You see people going about their ordinary business, but ... no one knows how he will be able to survive on his pay. You see children walking to school in their uniforms, but ... the vast majority of them will not find a teacher when they arrive (teachers are also on strike – their monthly salary is less than a loaf of bread). You attend worship as usual, but .... afterwards you do not shake hands when you sing the greeting song (someone might have cholera). People give their children small change to put in the collection plate .... but when you look closely, it is a bill that has ELEVEN zeros on it! (100 billion!) (And that is after 13 zeros have been knocked off the currency in the past couple of years.) You socialize with a group of Christians, but ... you find out the two ladies sitting next to you are both widows with AIDS ... and two of the carefree-looking teens are actually 16 and 18-year-old orphans. They are looking after their older sister’s toddler while the older sister (a single mother) tries to find work in South Africa. There are over 5 million Zimbabweans in South Africa and the police are fighting a losing battle to keep thousands more from arriving each day. While we were waiting to cross the bridge over the Limpopo River from Zimbabwe back to South Africa, we observed hordes of people carrying the goods they bought in South Africa back to Zimbabwe. Virtually all goods are imported – a lot by truck – but also a lot by head!
Posted 1/16/09 - This is a report from Zimbabwe that was passed along to us last week. I have edited the names so that there would be no repercussions but I wanted to share the dire need that still continues in this place. Jim Allen will be directing funds this week into this area for brethren, while OH3 directs funds north to brethren around Vic Falls. Thanks to all our contributors for your help. Mac
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:59 AM
Brother, I was in Rushinga from 9 to 13 this month. People's lives are in real great danger. Met with members of the church who had gone for days without meals, eating wild roots, fruits and vegetables.
I distributed 10 x 20kgs bought at $12 each to two congregations; Mkosa and Chapinduka. One sad incident, on 11 Jan. the Goto family, while attending church session came back to see everything gone by thieves. It was pathetic to see Mrs Goto literally crying. Another incident, one woman 60 yrs, mixed the little maize meal she had with cowdung and cooked a meal. She is now suffering from an undisclosed stomach ailment.
People are selling assets, livestock and other valuables to avert imminent starvation. All food items and everything else is practically sold in foreign currencies and few can obtain them. This year's harvest could be worse than last year's meaning the shortages would continue into 2010.
World Food Program is facing critical funding shortfalls and has withdrawn food handouts to most constituencies. Cholera has decimated 2.100 lives and there is despair in the country.
…This report continues with reports of baptisms in the area but we will close here.
Posted 1/15/09 - Things have been hectic over the holidays but we are behind on these reports and need to let everyone know what’s been happening.
First we might ask for prayers on behalf of the brethren in Zimbabwe in light of the Cholera epidemic that is sweeping the country. AP reports are that several thousand have already lost their lives. No word has reached us yet that this has touched the brethren. Pray that they may be spared this sadness on top of all others.
Secondly, we want to acknowledge the great work that Les Maydell has been doing in getting seed to Christians before it was too late to plant. Although too humble to claim credit, the work that Maydell has been doing along with native partners and contributions from Christians has simply been amazing. Many Christians will be eating from their own gardens in a couple months because of his efforts.
Thirdly, we are discouraged a little to see that the inflation rate keeps eating away at any effort to help. Meal that cost $400 per ton last October, cost $500 per ton in November, $700 per ton in December, and went to $800 the first of the year. There may be some indication of the price leveling off and even decreasing, but this is just a rumor presently. Needless to say, our inflation figuring and best case expenses are having a difficult time keeping up, but the undedicated donations of some to the food account has allowed us to make up for the lack in individual contributions. We look forward to a price decrease as the season changes and the crops come in.
Lastly, we will mention that the work of feeding hungry brothers and sisters continues with the blessing of God and compassion of the saints. In December another shipment in the amount of $6400 went forward. As I write this report another shipment is being readied to go in the next week. It is a rough guess on my part I admit, but I believe that almost a thousand brothers, sisters, and their children will have been able to have food on their table since last November. We are humbled by almost daily notes from saints who are helping in this effort and thanking us for the opportunity to give. What a great family you are. The team at OH3 in return praises God for you and for this small ability to help.
Posted 1/7/09 - Good news – the brethren have received maize meal.
Even after we thought all was smooth sailing, one of the suppliers let us down and the other supplier’s truck had an accident and spilled 25 tons of the 28-ton load down a hillside in South Africa, where bystanders got an unexpected Christmas gift! However, I must say that the supplier (V&M Grain) was very professional about it and made good the loss. In addition, they worked overtime and in their Christmas holiday time to reload another truck and do the delivery. The truck got from Johannesburg, through the border, and to Gwanda/Bulawayo in an amazing time of three days. The meal arrived on 22 December and all of it has already been delivered by Bigboy and Gumpo. David and Ellen Baize were visiting in Zimbabwe at the time the maize meal was delivered and they say the brethren are extremely thankful.
Good news – good rains. The seed germinated nicely and started to grow, but the plants were beginning to suffer. However, just in time, the needed rain fell and, with the exception of Gwanda South, we hear that the crops are doing well.
Good news – generous brethren. I do not have time now to send a detailed report of all funds received. (I need to prepare for my part in the funeral service of an 89-year-old brother who has gone for his reward.) However, from the bottom of our hearts, we want to praise God and thank you brethren for your goodness towards the needy. It seems as though we have all the money needed to supply the relief through March. We sincerely hope and pray that God will continue to bless the land with rain so that no relief will be needed in April, or at least much less relief than at the moment. As April approaches, we will let you all know if further help is needed, but we just want to let you know that the need has been met for the moment. Many have worked to achieve this, but may all glory be to God.
We pray for God’s blessings on the up-coming deliveries – and especially that your gift will encourage the Zimbabwe brethren towards great spiritual growth.
We have a trip planned to Zimbabwe this month, and will be able to let you know more after that trip.
With great gratitude,
Les and Linda Maydell, Rep. of South Africa
Posted 12/15/08
Mountbatton Brewer has communicated with us that the Zim Government is now allowing US dollars and other foreign exchanges to be used in Zimbabwe; thus, Western Union is allowed to payout US dollars coming from the US wires. Brewer can now collect US dollars at the Zimbabwe Western Union, and there is a Western Union office in Bulawayo. Note that it must be stated on the wire form, “payout only in US Dollars.” This, no doubt, comes from the fact that Zim dollars are next to useless and foreign currency is really the only viable currency available. This should speed up the provision of food for needy Christians since Brewer, and others, won’t have to go into Botswana to receive the wires now. He can receive wires in Bulawayo. Mike
Posted 2/7/09 - This is an excerpt from Les Maydells latest report. Les is located in South Africa but is acting as a messenger of the churches and coordinating a great deal of drought relief for brethren in South Eastern Zimbabwe. God bless his efforts. You’ll be interested in his observations. Mac
For several months the two main political parties of Zimbabwe, Zanu-PF (the ruling party) and the MDC (who won over 50% of the vote in the April 2008 elections), have been holding talks. They make and break agreements. No one knows what is going to happen next. This causes continued hardship on everyone in Zimbabwe. The economy has virtually collapsed. Zimbabwe inflation is unmeasurable, and the currency is worthless. Most people in Zimbabwe now use Rands and US Dollars to do business, but at highly-inflated prices. Education has been seriously disrupted for nearly a year, it is virtually impossible to get medical treatment, electricity and water are only spasmodically available, trash is not being collected, cholera has infected over 60 000 and killed over 4000, mail takes months to deliver, basic food is only available in foreign currency (which the average Zimbabwean does not have), etc. Foreign aid has been hindered, partly because of the world recession and partly because it hinges on Zanu-PF and the MDC forming a unity government (something that has been going to happen “next week” for the past 6 months). The World Health Organization says that over 7 million Zimbabweans are dependent on food aid for survival. (It is estimated there are about 10 million Zimbabweans left in the country.) Reuters estimates that over US$2 BILLION in goods/currency was sent last year from private people outside Zimbabwe (most of them expatriates) to their relatives and friends inside Zimbabwe – just so they can survive. (For more information about Zimbabwe you can visit
What amazes me is that, on the surface, life is seems so normal, but .... You go to visit someone in the spotlessly-clean hospital, but ... you can’t find a nurse or doctor (they are striking to be paid in foreign currency). The streets are clean, but ... trash is rotting behind walls and in overgrown fields. You see people going about their ordinary business, but ... no one knows how he will be able to survive on his pay. You see children walking to school in their uniforms, but ... the vast majority of them will not find a teacher when they arrive (teachers are also on strike – their monthly salary is less than a loaf of bread). You attend worship as usual, but .... afterwards you do not shake hands when you sing the greeting song (someone might have cholera). People give their children small change to put in the collection plate .... but when you look closely, it is a bill that has ELEVEN zeros on it! (100 billion!) (And that is after 13 zeros have been knocked off the currency in the past couple of years.) You socialize with a group of Christians, but ... you find out the two ladies sitting next to you are both widows with AIDS ... and two of the carefree-looking teens are actually 16 and 18-year-old orphans. They are looking after their older sister’s toddler while the older sister (a single mother) tries to find work in South Africa. There are over 5 million Zimbabweans in South Africa and the police are fighting a losing battle to keep thousands more from arriving each day. While we were waiting to cross the bridge over the Limpopo River from Zimbabwe back to South Africa, we observed hordes of people carrying the goods they bought in South Africa back to Zimbabwe. Virtually all goods are imported – a lot by truck – but also a lot by head!
Posted 1/16/09 - This is a report from Zimbabwe that was passed along to us last week. I have edited the names so that there would be no repercussions but I wanted to share the dire need that still continues in this place. Jim Allen will be directing funds this week into this area for brethren, while OH3 directs funds north to brethren around Vic Falls. Thanks to all our contributors for your help. Mac
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:59 AM
Brother, I was in Rushinga from 9 to 13 this month. People's lives are in real great danger. Met with members of the church who had gone for days without meals, eating wild roots, fruits and vegetables.
I distributed 10 x 20kgs bought at $12 each to two congregations; Mkosa and Chapinduka. One sad incident, on 11 Jan. the Goto family, while attending church session came back to see everything gone by thieves. It was pathetic to see Mrs Goto literally crying. Another incident, one woman 60 yrs, mixed the little maize meal she had with cowdung and cooked a meal. She is now suffering from an undisclosed stomach ailment.
People are selling assets, livestock and other valuables to avert imminent starvation. All food items and everything else is practically sold in foreign currencies and few can obtain them. This year's harvest could be worse than last year's meaning the shortages would continue into 2010.
World Food Program is facing critical funding shortfalls and has withdrawn food handouts to most constituencies. Cholera has decimated 2.100 lives and there is despair in the country.
…This report continues with reports of baptisms in the area but we will close here.
Posted 1/15/09 - Things have been hectic over the holidays but we are behind on these reports and need to let everyone know what’s been happening.
First we might ask for prayers on behalf of the brethren in Zimbabwe in light of the Cholera epidemic that is sweeping the country. AP reports are that several thousand have already lost their lives. No word has reached us yet that this has touched the brethren. Pray that they may be spared this sadness on top of all others.
Secondly, we want to acknowledge the great work that Les Maydell has been doing in getting seed to Christians before it was too late to plant. Although too humble to claim credit, the work that Maydell has been doing along with native partners and contributions from Christians has simply been amazing. Many Christians will be eating from their own gardens in a couple months because of his efforts.
Thirdly, we are discouraged a little to see that the inflation rate keeps eating away at any effort to help. Meal that cost $400 per ton last October, cost $500 per ton in November, $700 per ton in December, and went to $800 the first of the year. There may be some indication of the price leveling off and even decreasing, but this is just a rumor presently. Needless to say, our inflation figuring and best case expenses are having a difficult time keeping up, but the undedicated donations of some to the food account has allowed us to make up for the lack in individual contributions. We look forward to a price decrease as the season changes and the crops come in.
Lastly, we will mention that the work of feeding hungry brothers and sisters continues with the blessing of God and compassion of the saints. In December another shipment in the amount of $6400 went forward. As I write this report another shipment is being readied to go in the next week. It is a rough guess on my part I admit, but I believe that almost a thousand brothers, sisters, and their children will have been able to have food on their table since last November. We are humbled by almost daily notes from saints who are helping in this effort and thanking us for the opportunity to give. What a great family you are. The team at OH3 in return praises God for you and for this small ability to help.
Posted 1/7/09 - Good news – the brethren have received maize meal.
Even after we thought all was smooth sailing, one of the suppliers let us down and the other supplier’s truck had an accident and spilled 25 tons of the 28-ton load down a hillside in South Africa, where bystanders got an unexpected Christmas gift! However, I must say that the supplier (V&M Grain) was very professional about it and made good the loss. In addition, they worked overtime and in their Christmas holiday time to reload another truck and do the delivery. The truck got from Johannesburg, through the border, and to Gwanda/Bulawayo in an amazing time of three days. The meal arrived on 22 December and all of it has already been delivered by Bigboy and Gumpo. David and Ellen Baize were visiting in Zimbabwe at the time the maize meal was delivered and they say the brethren are extremely thankful.
Good news – good rains. The seed germinated nicely and started to grow, but the plants were beginning to suffer. However, just in time, the needed rain fell and, with the exception of Gwanda South, we hear that the crops are doing well.
Good news – generous brethren. I do not have time now to send a detailed report of all funds received. (I need to prepare for my part in the funeral service of an 89-year-old brother who has gone for his reward.) However, from the bottom of our hearts, we want to praise God and thank you brethren for your goodness towards the needy. It seems as though we have all the money needed to supply the relief through March. We sincerely hope and pray that God will continue to bless the land with rain so that no relief will be needed in April, or at least much less relief than at the moment. As April approaches, we will let you all know if further help is needed, but we just want to let you know that the need has been met for the moment. Many have worked to achieve this, but may all glory be to God.
We pray for God’s blessings on the up-coming deliveries – and especially that your gift will encourage the Zimbabwe brethren towards great spiritual growth.
We have a trip planned to Zimbabwe this month, and will be able to let you know more after that trip.
With great gratitude,
Les and Linda Maydell, Rep. of South Africa
Posted 12/15/08
Posted 11/25/08 - OH3, with the help of so many interested brethren...
wired funds for more food on November 21 to Zimbabwe. The amount of this wire was $4500 which should pay the cost for food and transportation for another five tons of meal and vegetables. That’s another 100 Christian families that will have food on their table for a minimum of 4 to 5 weeks. Thank you so much for your outpouring of compassion. That brings the total sent since Nov. 1 to over $10,600 and 11 metric tons of food for over 250 families. Every dime came from the wallets and bank accounts of indivudual Christians. The sacrifice and concern of so many Christians for so many of their brethren in Africa has been overwhelming. May God be praised in your efforts.
Posted 11/25/08 - OH3, with the help of so many interested brethren...
wired funds for more food on November 21 to Zimbabwe. The amount of this wire was $4500 which should pay the cost for food and transportation for another five tons of meal and vegetables. That’s another 100 Christian families that will have food on their table for a minimum of 4 to 5 weeks. Thank you so much for your outpouring of compassion. That brings the total sent since Nov. 1 to over $10,600 and 11 metric tons of food for over 250 families. Every dime came from the wallets and bank accounts of indivudual Christians. The sacrifice and concern of so many Christians for so many of their brethren in Africa has been overwhelming. May God be praised in your efforts.

Posted 11/25/08
- Report on Seed from Les Maydell, Nylstroom, South Africa.
We cannot give enough praise and glory to our great God for your overwhelming response. Even to those who gave “small” amounts - it made a big difference to someone. For example, if God sends the rains, $25 will enable two farmers to feed their families for a year! After the first load was delivered to the brethren in Gwanda South and other areas south of Bulawayo, we were able to place a second order to help brethren far south at Beit Bridge and north of Bulawayo all the way to the Vic Falls area (Binga).This seed was delivered last weekend. [Photo: About 1 ½ tons of the seed.]
During the week we spent in Zimbabwe, they had rain just about every day, from the southern border all the way to Bulawayo and west to the Botswana border. We hear the rain extended up to Binga. Many have plowed and planted their seeds already. We have had many sincere expressions of thanks from the brethren for the seed—not only for the seed itself but for the opportunity to do their work. “We are some word above happy.” “Our prayers have been answered.” There was much difficulty in getting the seed paid for and delivered. We give grateful thanks to God, not only for you brethren, but also for those in the banking and business world who had a heart for the suffering of the people and went the second mile to make it possible.
Posted 11/24/2008 - Months after our trip in September, UN Secretary Kofi Annan and Former US President Jimy Carter were refused visa/entry into Zimbabwe.
Here is the article from AP
"JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said Monday the crisis in Zimbabwe appears "much worse than anything we ever imagined" after the government there blocked his weekend humanitarian visit. Carter, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and child advocate Graca Machel called for southern African leaders to halt the "deep suffering" in Zimbabwe, where the U.N. says more than 5 million people face imminent starvation.
The president of neighboring South Africa, meanwhile, warned Zimbabwe "may implode and collapse," as he announced a new round of talks to try to resolve the political impasse. His comments, some of the strongest yet by South Africa, come as a cholera epidemic has killed hundreds of Zimbabweans and spilled across the border into South Africa. Officials say Zimbabwe's political and economic collapse caused the outbreak. ...
Zimbabwe has been in political deadlock since opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai won the most votes in the March presidential election but not enough to avoid a runoff. President Robert Mugabe, who has been in power since independence in 1980, claimed victory in the June runoff after Tsvangirai dropped out over violence aimed at his supporters. The two agreed in September to share power but the talks have stalled over the allocation of Cabinet posts, with the opposition accusing Mugabe of trying to hold onto key positions...
Carter said the stories they heard about the collapse of education, health and agriculture "are all indications that the crisis in Zimbabwe is much worse than anything we ever imagined." He said "the leadership in Harare don't want to admit there is a crisis." Adding to the implied criticism of regional leaders, Carter said "I get the feeling that even the leaders of SADC (the Southern African Development Community) do not know what is going on" in Zimbabwe. He called for the southern Africans as well as the African Union and the United Nations to send assessment teams to Zimbabwe. Some 300 Zimbabweans have died of cholera in recent weeks and Annan said they also met with Zimbabwe opposition leaders and stressed to them that "the most important thing is the people's lives." He said they would have given the same message to Mugabe, if they had had a chance. Both the Elders and the South African leaders on Monday agreed that it is difficult to separate Zimbabwe's humanitarian crisis from the political issues. "These are two sides of the same coin and we need to deal with them simultaneously with the urgency they deserve," Motlanthe said."
- Report on Seed from Les Maydell, Nylstroom, South Africa.
We cannot give enough praise and glory to our great God for your overwhelming response. Even to those who gave “small” amounts - it made a big difference to someone. For example, if God sends the rains, $25 will enable two farmers to feed their families for a year! After the first load was delivered to the brethren in Gwanda South and other areas south of Bulawayo, we were able to place a second order to help brethren far south at Beit Bridge and north of Bulawayo all the way to the Vic Falls area (Binga).This seed was delivered last weekend. [Photo: About 1 ½ tons of the seed.]
During the week we spent in Zimbabwe, they had rain just about every day, from the southern border all the way to Bulawayo and west to the Botswana border. We hear the rain extended up to Binga. Many have plowed and planted their seeds already. We have had many sincere expressions of thanks from the brethren for the seed—not only for the seed itself but for the opportunity to do their work. “We are some word above happy.” “Our prayers have been answered.” There was much difficulty in getting the seed paid for and delivered. We give grateful thanks to God, not only for you brethren, but also for those in the banking and business world who had a heart for the suffering of the people and went the second mile to make it possible.
Posted 11/24/2008 - Months after our trip in September, UN Secretary Kofi Annan and Former US President Jimy Carter were refused visa/entry into Zimbabwe.
Here is the article from AP
"JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said Monday the crisis in Zimbabwe appears "much worse than anything we ever imagined" after the government there blocked his weekend humanitarian visit. Carter, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and child advocate Graca Machel called for southern African leaders to halt the "deep suffering" in Zimbabwe, where the U.N. says more than 5 million people face imminent starvation.
The president of neighboring South Africa, meanwhile, warned Zimbabwe "may implode and collapse," as he announced a new round of talks to try to resolve the political impasse. His comments, some of the strongest yet by South Africa, come as a cholera epidemic has killed hundreds of Zimbabweans and spilled across the border into South Africa. Officials say Zimbabwe's political and economic collapse caused the outbreak. ...
Zimbabwe has been in political deadlock since opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai won the most votes in the March presidential election but not enough to avoid a runoff. President Robert Mugabe, who has been in power since independence in 1980, claimed victory in the June runoff after Tsvangirai dropped out over violence aimed at his supporters. The two agreed in September to share power but the talks have stalled over the allocation of Cabinet posts, with the opposition accusing Mugabe of trying to hold onto key positions...
Carter said the stories they heard about the collapse of education, health and agriculture "are all indications that the crisis in Zimbabwe is much worse than anything we ever imagined." He said "the leadership in Harare don't want to admit there is a crisis." Adding to the implied criticism of regional leaders, Carter said "I get the feeling that even the leaders of SADC (the Southern African Development Community) do not know what is going on" in Zimbabwe. He called for the southern Africans as well as the African Union and the United Nations to send assessment teams to Zimbabwe. Some 300 Zimbabweans have died of cholera in recent weeks and Annan said they also met with Zimbabwe opposition leaders and stressed to them that "the most important thing is the people's lives." He said they would have given the same message to Mugabe, if they had had a chance. Both the Elders and the South African leaders on Monday agreed that it is difficult to separate Zimbabwe's humanitarian crisis from the political issues. "These are two sides of the same coin and we need to deal with them simultaneously with the urgency they deserve," Motlanthe said."
November 14, 2008: OH3 News.
The first week of October found Mike Divis, Mac Payne and myself home from Zimbabwe and saddled with a new mission. Feeding hungry brother and sisters in Christ. Within two weeks Mac Payne sent funds for four tons of meal that he had raised.xMike and I set to work getting and IRS and State of Indiana Non-Profit status for OH3. Then came the website and the bank accounts being set up. As compassionate brethren pooled individual resources with OH3 it became just a matter of waiting for the bank to clear the checks.
On Friday, Novermber 14th, the wait was over. We made our first official shipment. Enough money was wired to Africa to purchase 8 tons of meal and vegetables. This will follow the 4 previously sent by Mac Payne to assist in Mtabeleland, North of Bulawayo.
160 families in the body of Christ will be assisted by this 8 ton shipment for a month or more. Praise the Lord for His goodness. Those families will also receive a thank you note that will cost them nothing to have posted and returned to sending families here in the U.S.
May we thank all involved for your participation.
November 11, 08
The following is an email received from a trusted African preaching brother. I have left the spelling, grammar, etc. unedited and only removed the name to keep this brother from any kind of reprisals.
OH3 News:
I don’t have any more sources than what is named below but here was the situation in Zimbabwe in early October, as relayed in an email by Al Payne. Comments from OH3 editor will be in RED.
In some personal emails African names are omitted because of government sponsored reprisals that have taken place in the past when names were released publicly. We choose not to cause our African brethren more problems.
17 October 2008, Washington,
Zimbabwean humanitarian organizations struggling to deliver food aid to millions of hungry people on Friday welcomed the news that the European Union has pledged 15 million Euros (US$20 million) to the country under an broader African relief package.
But in the western Matabeleland region the news from Brussels joined reports from Lupane, Matabeleland North province, that three people had succumbed to malnutrition, while in another location three children died after eating poisonous roots. (NOTE THAT THIS IS THE TSHOLOTSHO AREA THAT OH3 WAS INITALLY INTERESTED IN GETTING FOOD TO BRETHREN IN.)
Chief Executive Officer Josephat Amuli of the Churches In Bulawayo, a faith-based relief group, said the EU donation is welcome but far greater resources will be required. His organization is feeding around 4,000 people in Lupane, Matopos, and Nkayi.
Amuli told reporter Patience Rusere of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that while a government ban imposed between June and August on food distribution by non-governmental organizations has been lifted, aid organizations still must obtain authorizations from local officials.
The first week of October found Mike Divis, Mac Payne and myself home from Zimbabwe and saddled with a new mission. Feeding hungry brother and sisters in Christ. Within two weeks Mac Payne sent funds for four tons of meal that he had raised.xMike and I set to work getting and IRS and State of Indiana Non-Profit status for OH3. Then came the website and the bank accounts being set up. As compassionate brethren pooled individual resources with OH3 it became just a matter of waiting for the bank to clear the checks.
On Friday, Novermber 14th, the wait was over. We made our first official shipment. Enough money was wired to Africa to purchase 8 tons of meal and vegetables. This will follow the 4 previously sent by Mac Payne to assist in Mtabeleland, North of Bulawayo.
160 families in the body of Christ will be assisted by this 8 ton shipment for a month or more. Praise the Lord for His goodness. Those families will also receive a thank you note that will cost them nothing to have posted and returned to sending families here in the U.S.
May we thank all involved for your participation.
November 11, 08
The following is an email received from a trusted African preaching brother. I have left the spelling, grammar, etc. unedited and only removed the name to keep this brother from any kind of reprisals.
OH3 News:
I don’t have any more sources than what is named below but here was the situation in Zimbabwe in early October, as relayed in an email by Al Payne. Comments from OH3 editor will be in RED.
In some personal emails African names are omitted because of government sponsored reprisals that have taken place in the past when names were released publicly. We choose not to cause our African brethren more problems.
17 October 2008, Washington,
Zimbabwean humanitarian organizations struggling to deliver food aid to millions of hungry people on Friday welcomed the news that the European Union has pledged 15 million Euros (US$20 million) to the country under an broader African relief package.
But in the western Matabeleland region the news from Brussels joined reports from Lupane, Matabeleland North province, that three people had succumbed to malnutrition, while in another location three children died after eating poisonous roots. (NOTE THAT THIS IS THE TSHOLOTSHO AREA THAT OH3 WAS INITALLY INTERESTED IN GETTING FOOD TO BRETHREN IN.)
Chief Executive Officer Josephat Amuli of the Churches In Bulawayo, a faith-based relief group, said the EU donation is welcome but far greater resources will be required. His organization is feeding around 4,000 people in Lupane, Matopos, and Nkayi.
Amuli told reporter Patience Rusere of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that while a government ban imposed between June and August on food distribution by non-governmental organizations has been lifted, aid organizations still must obtain authorizations from local officials.
Reported On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 4:52 PM from: MOUNTBATTEN BREWER
"Dear Brethren,
Greetings from Zimbabwe. July 7th was the first Sunday in the month of July of 2019. I was at give a monthly invitation. I teach bible class and preach.
Brethren were doing well. I had to start preparing to distribute 10 tons of mealie meal to 200 families that were in severe need. Each family got a 50 kg bag of mealie meal....for this last month for an average family. It took us close to 4 days to finish deliveries. I got two extra bags as a discount in all were delivered 202 bags.
Challenges; 7 tones were loaded in a Nissan truck and three in a trailer. They had a flat tire as they crossed the Gwaai river and they got to Tsholotsho at 1.30 am. They left the following morning and we started distributing. We also had some problems of flat tires. This was because my truck tires are old and need replacement. There was a bit of overloading in one or two incidents but the bottom line is...the tires are warn out.
Four teenagers were baptized. I was pleased to hear that their parents are members of the church. It would be correct to believe that their parents and the local church must have be preparing the ground before I visited them.
If you have a question, please ask.
Thank you,
Mountbatten Brewer"
Greetings from Zimbabwe. July 7th was the first Sunday in the month of July of 2019. I was at give a monthly invitation. I teach bible class and preach.
Brethren were doing well. I had to start preparing to distribute 10 tons of mealie meal to 200 families that were in severe need. Each family got a 50 kg bag of mealie meal....for this last month for an average family. It took us close to 4 days to finish deliveries. I got two extra bags as a discount in all were delivered 202 bags.
Challenges; 7 tones were loaded in a Nissan truck and three in a trailer. They had a flat tire as they crossed the Gwaai river and they got to Tsholotsho at 1.30 am. They left the following morning and we started distributing. We also had some problems of flat tires. This was because my truck tires are old and need replacement. There was a bit of overloading in one or two incidents but the bottom line is...the tires are warn out.
Four teenagers were baptized. I was pleased to hear that their parents are members of the church. It would be correct to believe that their parents and the local church must have be preparing the ground before I visited them.
If you have a question, please ask.
Thank you,
Mountbatten Brewer"
On Thu, 05 Sep 2019, 12:01 Silence Chiramba, wrote:
"Good afternoon from Zimbabwe. Hope you are all well, I just decided to let you know this in advance 2 months ago you assisted families here in Masvingo by Sending the aide through brother Farai. This brethren were very happy to receive this aide, so I decided to let you know that on the 20th to 22th...September Lord willing brother Farai will be here having CLASSES with those brethren, so I ask again on behalf of them to consider them if you are in position and as you do brother Farai Chingondi he can be messenger to come with aide and I will help him to do distribution."
"Good afternoon from Zimbabwe. Hope you are all well, I just decided to let you know this in advance 2 months ago you assisted families here in Masvingo by Sending the aide through brother Farai. This brethren were very happy to receive this aide, so I decided to let you know that on the 20th to 22th...September Lord willing brother Farai will be here having CLASSES with those brethren, so I ask again on behalf of them to consider them if you are in position and as you do brother Farai Chingondi he can be messenger to come with aide and I will help him to do distribution."
From: MOUNTBATTEN BREWER on Fri, Nov 15, 2019, 8:16 PM
"Dear brethren,
Greetings from Zimbabwe, We are blessed with life from our God.
It is very hot and dry in most parts of my country and we continue to suffer political and economic problems.
It is my prayer that you are all well, strong and healthy.
Ntunteni congregation is a congregation just at the boundary of Gwanda and Filabusi. This church started in the 80's. I have no idea how many members were there at that time. All I know is that when I was invited to visit and preach there were three left, a preacher brother Moyo who is now old and blind but still able to quote scripture very well, his wife and one other member. Four (4) were baptized.
We have not yet received some rains in all two Matabeleland north and south regions. Its hot and very dry. When baptizing....We drive for some 40 min to hour trying to get water to fill up the baptistery because some boreholes have dried up. Brethren get up as early as 3 o'clock in the morning to get water for drinking and domestic use. This is risk because wild dangerous animals are breaking game fence looking for their prey and water.
Brethren are starving and they last got help in mid July. This was funded by Open hearts Helping Hands. We distributed 10 tons of 50 kg maize meal. One 50 kg bag takes one month to finish by an average family. The number of starving families has increased to 236. I emailed OH3 and there is no money to help these needy brethren. May I try to be clear in this issue of 50 kg bag per family. Quantity can be reduced to 20 kg bags depending on the availability of funds.
Thank you,
Mounbatten Brewer."
Greetings from Zimbabwe, We are blessed with life from our God.
It is very hot and dry in most parts of my country and we continue to suffer political and economic problems.
It is my prayer that you are all well, strong and healthy.
Ntunteni congregation is a congregation just at the boundary of Gwanda and Filabusi. This church started in the 80's. I have no idea how many members were there at that time. All I know is that when I was invited to visit and preach there were three left, a preacher brother Moyo who is now old and blind but still able to quote scripture very well, his wife and one other member. Four (4) were baptized.
We have not yet received some rains in all two Matabeleland north and south regions. Its hot and very dry. When baptizing....We drive for some 40 min to hour trying to get water to fill up the baptistery because some boreholes have dried up. Brethren get up as early as 3 o'clock in the morning to get water for drinking and domestic use. This is risk because wild dangerous animals are breaking game fence looking for their prey and water.
Brethren are starving and they last got help in mid July. This was funded by Open hearts Helping Hands. We distributed 10 tons of 50 kg maize meal. One 50 kg bag takes one month to finish by an average family. The number of starving families has increased to 236. I emailed OH3 and there is no money to help these needy brethren. May I try to be clear in this issue of 50 kg bag per family. Quantity can be reduced to 20 kg bags depending on the availability of funds.
Thank you,
Mounbatten Brewer."
On DEC 23, 2019, 3:13 AM Silence Chiramba wrote:
"Greetings to you from Zimbabwe.
YESTERDAY we had blessed day of worship at Mushandike and Matihwa since SATURDAY we had good time with our fellow brother in Christ Pick Mkonwa who is a preacher in Gwanda .
In the morning we worship at Mushandike the day was so wonderful on bible Study looking at the book of Exodus the journey of Israelite's, On Sermon brother Pick preach on:DO WE PRAY WHEN THINGS ARE DIFFICULT Daniel 6;10
Mathew 26 :38
1 Peter 1:6-7
2 cor 4:6-18
Romans 8:35-37
2 Tim 4:5-8, 1:12-13
Hebrews 4:16
Isaiah 55:6
AND WE drive to Matihwa Church in afternoon.
We also have good news at Mushandike 5 added to Christ and in the afternoon worship with Matihwa 3 again, we kindly request for your prayers for new babes in Christ, and the Lord's work in Masvingo the work is going well."
YESTERDAY we had blessed day of worship at Mushandike and Matihwa since SATURDAY we had good time with our fellow brother in Christ Pick Mkonwa who is a preacher in Gwanda .
In the morning we worship at Mushandike the day was so wonderful on bible Study looking at the book of Exodus the journey of Israelite's, On Sermon brother Pick preach on:DO WE PRAY WHEN THINGS ARE DIFFICULT Daniel 6;10
Mathew 26 :38
1 Peter 1:6-7
2 cor 4:6-18
Romans 8:35-37
2 Tim 4:5-8, 1:12-13
Hebrews 4:16
Isaiah 55:6
AND WE drive to Matihwa Church in afternoon.
We also have good news at Mushandike 5 added to Christ and in the afternoon worship with Matihwa 3 again, we kindly request for your prayers for new babes in Christ, and the Lord's work in Masvingo the work is going well."
On SUN, JAN 5, 3:34 PM Silence Chiramba wrote:
"Greetings my beloved brethren. Just arrived home now from worship services at Mushandike and Matihwa and it had been a memorable Sunday, the brethren at Mushandike the house was full to the extent of others were outside I'm happy they are growing both spiritual and numerical..during last week on midweek was with brothers and sisters from Great Zimbabwe and Veza we had wonderful midweek study the word hut to hut.
Sermon:Pure( God says we’re to keep ourselves pure. To be pure means to be unmixed with any other matter, to be free anything that taints. God expects us to be holy – separated from anything that defiles. We’re to be like Him. We need pure minds, hands, and hearts)
Some of my Scriptures: 1 Tim 5:22, Prov 23:7 , Gen 6:5 ,Phil 4:8
After worship at Matihwa one was added, prayers for the new babe namely Sister Nellie Phiri."
Sermon:Pure( God says we’re to keep ourselves pure. To be pure means to be unmixed with any other matter, to be free anything that taints. God expects us to be holy – separated from anything that defiles. We’re to be like Him. We need pure minds, hands, and hearts)
Some of my Scriptures: 1 Tim 5:22, Prov 23:7 , Gen 6:5 ,Phil 4:8
After worship at Matihwa one was added, prayers for the new babe namely Sister Nellie Phiri."
BRIEF Report from Brother SILENCE, written on Jan 26, 2020, 12:45 PM
"Day well spent with preacher Matihwa. We had 3 added people added to Christ. Asking for prayers for them."
From Silence Chiramba on Feb 2, 2020, 12:16 PM
"Greetings from Zimbabwe my fellow brethren. We hope you are all well with your family's and Lord's work.
We had wonderful time at Mushandike and Matihwa preaching from Book of Hebrews 6 :Warning Against Falling Away ,and brother Muchemwa on the the Lord's table at Mushandike at Matihwa it was brother Masakadze.
After worship at Mushandike 1 soul added I help her to obey the command, welcome Sister Mutavati and prayers for her."
We had wonderful time at Mushandike and Matihwa preaching from Book of Hebrews 6 :Warning Against Falling Away ,and brother Muchemwa on the the Lord's table at Mushandike at Matihwa it was brother Masakadze.
After worship at Mushandike 1 soul added I help her to obey the command, welcome Sister Mutavati and prayers for her."
Posted 4/2/2020
Email Report from Jeanne Sullivan
Dearest Brethren,
Greetings! I hope this message finds you well and safe during these times of turmoil. Prayerfully, this medical pandemic will turn hearts and minds closer to our Lord and Savior.
I sent out an emergency request to you on 12/4/19, with OH3 bank balance of $3,838. It was heartwarming and extremely edifying to receive your responses. Four busy months have transpired. Incoming- there have been $23,914 deposits, both from checks and pay pal. Outgoing wires to our brethren in need - $23,684. Presently, there is $4007 in the Food Account. There was an initial outpouring of benevolence which was greatly needed, used and appreciated. The ongoing need continues, however, but the donations are not meeting the pleas for help at this time. In December- in the last 2 wks of the month, the donations were $17,750! In January, the deposit of checks was $3874, in Feb. the checks deposited were $1190, in March, the deposits were $1100. It is evident that the initial generous amounts are not continuing and we now have the monthly donors, who faithfully send their $50, $75 or $100 checks. The consistency of these monthly donors is remarkable and is such a blessing through the years. I spoke to one donor on the phone today who has contributed since 2008. We could not carry on without each of you. You are Truly Amazing! We thank you for your continued trust in us in managing your funds for benevolence of our needy brethren in Zimbabwe.
My request is that more donors consider a monthly automatic payment to Open Heart Helping Hands. This consistency will help to carry on the needed and vital work for our needy brethren. If you would rather send a one time gift, please know that this would also be most appreciated and needed. If you choose to use pay Pal Pay, in order to avoid fees, you can transfer the funds to PayPal from your bank account. There is no charge for this. There is a fee for instant transfers:1% of the transfer amount capped at $10 per transaction. Please include your email address with donations.
Also, please let me know if you would like a IRS tax exempt letter.
The OH3 address is:
Open Heart Helping Hands
P.O. Box 341514
Tampa, Fl. 33694
There are 4 purposes for this newsletter:
*To share the appreciation of the Christians in Zimbabwe for sharing your love and support of their needs and to share the thanks of the OH3 Team.
*To give you essential feedback on how your donations are being used and to see the great need. I cannot include every wire transfer because of space capacity for email. I hope this sampling is helpful for you to see how your funds are being used.
*To ask for your consideration of continued support of the brethren in Zimbabwe who are continuing to face great economic hardships, drought and extreme hunger.
* To ask for your prayers for our Zimbabwe brethren. Their President ordered a lock down and stay at home order for the country. This increases their difficulty getting food, as well as any hope of income. Their country will not be giving out economic stimulus funds. Even with that, many have written and said that they are praying for us.
Currently, there are three urgent requests
1) Brother Silence Chiramba for 83 families at the Mushandike and Maithwa churches,
2) Brother Farai Chingondi for 137 families at Mahusekwa, Mupfure, Nyamakate and Mutoko churches of Christ, and
3) Brother Mabhuri Betera has requested funds for relief for 75 families at the Zikani church.
Requested funds for Chiramba and Chingondi totals approximately $5500.00 Brother Chingondi asked for an increased amount for beans and cooking oil so that children can receive more nutrition than just the mealie maize. Both of these vetted preachers share that the situation is desparate with children dying of malnutrition.
Brother Betera needs food support for the month of April. He was sent $1695.00 on 2/25/20 for the 75 families at the Zikani church, but that food is used up.
Your wonderful benevolence has been such a blessing for these needy brethren. You truly have made the difference between life and death in many situations. There has been limited rains in some areas, no rain in other areas. There is no crops left over from last year, because of the severe drought. Inflation is extremely high, and there is no money to buy basic food supplies. Please listen to the attachment from the World Food Organization that explains some of the challenges that Zimbabwe faces.
I have received receipts and pictures from all of the brethren that funds were sent to. There is accountability among the brethren there as well as reports from visiting preachers. Steve Rudd from Canada and Edward Smith were recently in Zimbabwe, staying with Silence Chiramba for several days, reaching out to the lost and edifying the brethren.
Funds were sent out using your donations after the emergency request from mid 12/19 through 3/20. Below are recent examples of how your funds were distributed:
1) $5,173 sent to Silence Chiramba
1 a) $1423 for seeds and fertilizer for 21 families at Chivi church
Greetings! I hope this message finds you well and safe during these times of turmoil. Prayerfully, this medical pandemic will turn hearts and minds closer to our Lord and Savior.
I sent out an emergency request to you on 12/4/19, with OH3 bank balance of $3,838. It was heartwarming and extremely edifying to receive your responses. Four busy months have transpired. Incoming- there have been $23,914 deposits, both from checks and pay pal. Outgoing wires to our brethren in need - $23,684. Presently, there is $4007 in the Food Account. There was an initial outpouring of benevolence which was greatly needed, used and appreciated. The ongoing need continues, however, but the donations are not meeting the pleas for help at this time. In December- in the last 2 wks of the month, the donations were $17,750! In January, the deposit of checks was $3874, in Feb. the checks deposited were $1190, in March, the deposits were $1100. It is evident that the initial generous amounts are not continuing and we now have the monthly donors, who faithfully send their $50, $75 or $100 checks. The consistency of these monthly donors is remarkable and is such a blessing through the years. I spoke to one donor on the phone today who has contributed since 2008. We could not carry on without each of you. You are Truly Amazing! We thank you for your continued trust in us in managing your funds for benevolence of our needy brethren in Zimbabwe.
My request is that more donors consider a monthly automatic payment to Open Heart Helping Hands. This consistency will help to carry on the needed and vital work for our needy brethren. If you would rather send a one time gift, please know that this would also be most appreciated and needed. If you choose to use pay Pal Pay, in order to avoid fees, you can transfer the funds to PayPal from your bank account. There is no charge for this. There is a fee for instant transfers:1% of the transfer amount capped at $10 per transaction. Please include your email address with donations.
Also, please let me know if you would like a IRS tax exempt letter.
The OH3 address is:
Open Heart Helping Hands
P.O. Box 341514
Tampa, Fl. 33694
There are 4 purposes for this newsletter:
*To share the appreciation of the Christians in Zimbabwe for sharing your love and support of their needs and to share the thanks of the OH3 Team.
*To give you essential feedback on how your donations are being used and to see the great need. I cannot include every wire transfer because of space capacity for email. I hope this sampling is helpful for you to see how your funds are being used.
*To ask for your consideration of continued support of the brethren in Zimbabwe who are continuing to face great economic hardships, drought and extreme hunger.
* To ask for your prayers for our Zimbabwe brethren. Their President ordered a lock down and stay at home order for the country. This increases their difficulty getting food, as well as any hope of income. Their country will not be giving out economic stimulus funds. Even with that, many have written and said that they are praying for us.
Currently, there are three urgent requests
1) Brother Silence Chiramba for 83 families at the Mushandike and Maithwa churches,
2) Brother Farai Chingondi for 137 families at Mahusekwa, Mupfure, Nyamakate and Mutoko churches of Christ, and
3) Brother Mabhuri Betera has requested funds for relief for 75 families at the Zikani church.
Requested funds for Chiramba and Chingondi totals approximately $5500.00 Brother Chingondi asked for an increased amount for beans and cooking oil so that children can receive more nutrition than just the mealie maize. Both of these vetted preachers share that the situation is desparate with children dying of malnutrition.
Brother Betera needs food support for the month of April. He was sent $1695.00 on 2/25/20 for the 75 families at the Zikani church, but that food is used up.
Your wonderful benevolence has been such a blessing for these needy brethren. You truly have made the difference between life and death in many situations. There has been limited rains in some areas, no rain in other areas. There is no crops left over from last year, because of the severe drought. Inflation is extremely high, and there is no money to buy basic food supplies. Please listen to the attachment from the World Food Organization that explains some of the challenges that Zimbabwe faces.
I have received receipts and pictures from all of the brethren that funds were sent to. There is accountability among the brethren there as well as reports from visiting preachers. Steve Rudd from Canada and Edward Smith were recently in Zimbabwe, staying with Silence Chiramba for several days, reaching out to the lost and edifying the brethren.
Funds were sent out using your donations after the emergency request from mid 12/19 through 3/20. Below are recent examples of how your funds were distributed:
1) $5,173 sent to Silence Chiramba
1 a) $1423 for seeds and fertilizer for 21 families at Chivi church
1b) $3750 for mealie meal for 75 families at 4 churches in the Masvingo Province
2) $1690 sent to Mabhuri Betera for 75 families at Zikani church- most southern and worst region- 12/17/19
Note from Mabhuri Betera-
"Dearest Brethren.
I would like to thank you all for your big help to the saints here in Zimbabwe @ Zikani Church of Christ. May God bless you. Patience my Daughter manage to collect the money send to Zikani Church on Thursday. I travel to town on Saturday and successful buying the meal mealies. We load the truck and go back to Zikani.
The Men guarded the food and on Sunday after service we do the distribution. It was a great day saints are very very happy a lots of ululating was done. Surely on behalf of all the Brethren we are greatly thanking you.
Below are some pictures of all what we had done God bless you.
Yours Betera on behalf of Zikani Church of Christ."
"Dearest Brethren.
I would like to thank you all for your big help to the saints here in Zimbabwe @ Zikani Church of Christ. May God bless you. Patience my Daughter manage to collect the money send to Zikani Church on Thursday. I travel to town on Saturday and successful buying the meal mealies. We load the truck and go back to Zikani.
The Men guarded the food and on Sunday after service we do the distribution. It was a great day saints are very very happy a lots of ululating was done. Surely on behalf of all the Brethren we are greatly thanking you.
Below are some pictures of all what we had done God bless you.
Yours Betera on behalf of Zikani Church of Christ."
3) $2520 sent to Moses Mukwada for 63 families at betera church of Christ
Note from Moses Mukwada:
"I write to notify you that due to failures and poor rainfall brethren did not managed to plant any of the seed which we have purchase. We have just received the first rains in our area last week but it was not even enough to start planting seed like maize. We are even at the middle of the season which we think is not proper to worst time and resource to try plant the seed than keep it for next year season. It has shown and pronounce drought this year. This is the most serious drought even seen before because we have just come out from another drought last year. Maize meal which is the staple food in Zimbabwe has been in already in short supply in shops and if you find it the price is too high unaffordable for most people.
Try for me for February and March some helping funds such that we might not loss some of our christian families due to this terrible hunger. Surely the Zimbabwe government has failed to manage the economy and everything has forced many people to became destitute. Some husband and even woman has even abandoned families going out of countries in search of income which end up some other marriage got broken.
Children engage in unsafe relationship and early marriages. This has touched my heart for the first time in my life to see even a congregation failing to contribute weekly offerings which is of even able purchase grape juice for Lord supper. Some congregation are ever going without for some week.
We need your heart and hands towards your fellow brethren . I understand you are not rich and also experiencing hardships. Your fellowship at this moment will be a great prayer and worship.
I wish only mealie meal will be the most necessary and of greater importance. Non other than this will I suggest.
Now Betera church has 63 families in need of food assistance. The number has increased since none are no longer able to assist themselves as before.
I have made some effort to request the government grain marketing board to supply us if the money is available and they have agreed in respect of charity church initiation.
So the need for the two months is
1 family at average needs 40kgs
63 families× 40kgs @ US$20 each
That is 63 families × US$20 = $1260
× two months. Total $2520
After Receiving Food-
"With much appreciation we thank you Brethren especially those who put hands together to this gifts.
May the Almighty bless them."
4) Mountbatten Brewer- requested $7,680 for 246 brethren in 4 churches in Tsholotsho district. There is a great distance between churches in this bush area. The churches are in Sikali, Matshula, Gombalume and Nsedlwin
Note from Mountbatten Brewer-
"I have been asked by brethren in Tsholotsho area to send their sincere thanks and appreciation to you as a team and to all brethren who contribute towards their needs. I dearly stand with them in thanking you all"
Note from Moses Mukwada:
"I write to notify you that due to failures and poor rainfall brethren did not managed to plant any of the seed which we have purchase. We have just received the first rains in our area last week but it was not even enough to start planting seed like maize. We are even at the middle of the season which we think is not proper to worst time and resource to try plant the seed than keep it for next year season. It has shown and pronounce drought this year. This is the most serious drought even seen before because we have just come out from another drought last year. Maize meal which is the staple food in Zimbabwe has been in already in short supply in shops and if you find it the price is too high unaffordable for most people.
Try for me for February and March some helping funds such that we might not loss some of our christian families due to this terrible hunger. Surely the Zimbabwe government has failed to manage the economy and everything has forced many people to became destitute. Some husband and even woman has even abandoned families going out of countries in search of income which end up some other marriage got broken.
Children engage in unsafe relationship and early marriages. This has touched my heart for the first time in my life to see even a congregation failing to contribute weekly offerings which is of even able purchase grape juice for Lord supper. Some congregation are ever going without for some week.
We need your heart and hands towards your fellow brethren . I understand you are not rich and also experiencing hardships. Your fellowship at this moment will be a great prayer and worship.
I wish only mealie meal will be the most necessary and of greater importance. Non other than this will I suggest.
Now Betera church has 63 families in need of food assistance. The number has increased since none are no longer able to assist themselves as before.
I have made some effort to request the government grain marketing board to supply us if the money is available and they have agreed in respect of charity church initiation.
So the need for the two months is
1 family at average needs 40kgs
63 families× 40kgs @ US$20 each
That is 63 families × US$20 = $1260
× two months. Total $2520
After Receiving Food-
"With much appreciation we thank you Brethren especially those who put hands together to this gifts.
May the Almighty bless them."
4) Mountbatten Brewer- requested $7,680 for 246 brethren in 4 churches in Tsholotsho district. There is a great distance between churches in this bush area. The churches are in Sikali, Matshula, Gombalume and Nsedlwin
Note from Mountbatten Brewer-
"I have been asked by brethren in Tsholotsho area to send their sincere thanks and appreciation to you as a team and to all brethren who contribute towards their needs. I dearly stand with them in thanking you all"
Posted 4/2/2020
Letter from Jeanne Sullivan
"Brothers and Sisters,
We were able to meet this need of brethren in severe need because of your loving concern for your brethren in Zimbabwe. Sometimes, multiple attempts are needed to send the requested amount. Western Union seems to be cracking down on both sender and receiver, making our volunteer job much more difficult. However, there is a tremendous need and as long as there are loving brothers and sisters willing to assist, we are willing to help for the glory of God. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR BLESSINGS WITH THOSE WHO HAVE SUCH A GREAT NEED.
Jeanne Sullivan- Treasurer
Bill and Joseph Sullivan- Directors"
*I am attaching a note from Carl McMurray with his explanation of why he is stepping down from being the director of OH3. We thank Carl for his many years of service in this endeavor and pray for God's blessings for him and his family. js
"I have been a director of OH3 for 12 years and have been blessed with great helpers like Jeanne Sullivan and our many contributing partners. Without taking a dime in payment the OH3 team has been privileged to send over a quarter million dollars in food to New Testament Christians straight from the generous brethren who participate in giving. Not one check has been taken from any church treasury and in spite of being accused falsely 100% of the money given to this need has been delivered in food and transport. On top of that we have operated from a separate fund to provide blankets, plows, donkeys, lumber for corrals, medicine, emergency transport to hospitals, funeral costs, high school costs, and bicycles for preachers. WE are thankful for your trust in allowing me to make decisions concerning that fund. I am ready to pass the mantle onto the very capable shoulders of the Sullivan clan. I have known Bill and Jeanne and Joseph for over 30 years and am confident of their abilities and their love for brethren in need.
There are some issues with Parkinson's for me to face, but the greater influence to hand over the reins to OH3 comes from an impending retirement from local work and a desire to focus on overseas evangelism. If I might close with a plug for this new effort in 2020 I am looking for partners once again for a serious work in Russia. It's time to go back to the catacombs and i have a faithful contact and plans are being made. Will you help? For more info you can reach me at 765.623.2238 or [email protected]. Thank you once again for your love and your partnership.
We were able to meet this need of brethren in severe need because of your loving concern for your brethren in Zimbabwe. Sometimes, multiple attempts are needed to send the requested amount. Western Union seems to be cracking down on both sender and receiver, making our volunteer job much more difficult. However, there is a tremendous need and as long as there are loving brothers and sisters willing to assist, we are willing to help for the glory of God. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR BLESSINGS WITH THOSE WHO HAVE SUCH A GREAT NEED.
Jeanne Sullivan- Treasurer
Bill and Joseph Sullivan- Directors"
*I am attaching a note from Carl McMurray with his explanation of why he is stepping down from being the director of OH3. We thank Carl for his many years of service in this endeavor and pray for God's blessings for him and his family. js
"I have been a director of OH3 for 12 years and have been blessed with great helpers like Jeanne Sullivan and our many contributing partners. Without taking a dime in payment the OH3 team has been privileged to send over a quarter million dollars in food to New Testament Christians straight from the generous brethren who participate in giving. Not one check has been taken from any church treasury and in spite of being accused falsely 100% of the money given to this need has been delivered in food and transport. On top of that we have operated from a separate fund to provide blankets, plows, donkeys, lumber for corrals, medicine, emergency transport to hospitals, funeral costs, high school costs, and bicycles for preachers. WE are thankful for your trust in allowing me to make decisions concerning that fund. I am ready to pass the mantle onto the very capable shoulders of the Sullivan clan. I have known Bill and Jeanne and Joseph for over 30 years and am confident of their abilities and their love for brethren in need.
There are some issues with Parkinson's for me to face, but the greater influence to hand over the reins to OH3 comes from an impending retirement from local work and a desire to focus on overseas evangelism. If I might close with a plug for this new effort in 2020 I am looking for partners once again for a serious work in Russia. It's time to go back to the catacombs and i have a faithful contact and plans are being made. Will you help? For more info you can reach me at 765.623.2238 or [email protected]. Thank you once again for your love and your partnership.
Report From Silence Chiramba on the 5th of April, 2020, 9:51 AM
In this email report, he shared worship photo's and baptisms
Report from Farai Chingondi on Apr 17th, 2020, 5:15 PM
"Mahusekwa Food distribution: We managed to distribute food aid to the saints at Mahusekwa.
On Sunday we will be at Mupfure and Wednesday at Chifamba/ Mutoko.
I am going to collect the receipts tomorrow and send them.
Thank you so much ️ for the help."
On Sunday we will be at Mupfure and Wednesday at Chifamba/ Mutoko.
I am going to collect the receipts tomorrow and send them.
Thank you so much ️ for the help."
Report from Farai Chingondi on Apr 22, 2020, 11:41 AM
"Mupfure food distribution: We managed to distribute food to the saints at Mupfure on Sunday."
Report from Farai Chingondi on Apr 22, 2020, 1:09 PM
"Mutoko: I had a challenge at Mutoko because of the viruse the village head had refused us to distribute the food, we managed to distribute 13 portions the other members could not attend but we instructed the men there to deliver the food to the homes of the needy families. I have been cleared today to take food to Nyamakate, I hope the authorities that side will allow us to help the needy saints that side. Getting here was not as easy as it has always been. The police and army are not letting you just go. The food situation is very bad in Mutoko."
rEPORT FROM Silence Chiramba ON Apr 23, 2020, 1:40 PM
"Distribution pictures: Thank you very much my fellow brethren. I'm done with this distribution. I arrived home today."
(Note: Silence and the others who help in sharing food in Zimbabwe, have to travel to different areas, where churches are located/brethren are at, to help distribute the food).
(Note: Silence and the others who help in sharing food in Zimbabwe, have to travel to different areas, where churches are located/brethren are at, to help distribute the food).
Short video of brethren saying "thank you"
Video of elderly people after receiving on way home
REPORT FROM MOSES MUKWADA Fri, May 1, 2020 at 8:29 AM
"Greetings to you in the Mighty name of our loving Lord, AMEN. On behalf of the saints at Betera church, I am seized with pleasure to give you this update with regards to acquiring meale meal for the welfare of Betera Church.
With the tightening socio-economic conditions in Zimbabwe worsened by Covid19 restrictions , we experienced delays in the acquisition of mealie meal for our members but thanks be to the benevolent Lord who is our sure Provider. The supplier who had initially reserved a mealie meal order for us unfortunately ended up selling the reserve after we delayed by a day to make payment to secure the reserved order. By the Grace of God however, we managed to acquire 476 by 10 kg pockets of mealie meal @ US $5 each from another supplier on the 26th of April 2020 then we made the distribution on the 27th of April 2020.
This was an allocation for two months for our members. Some big families got 60 kgs of mealie meal whilst others got allocations ranging between 50, 40 and 30 kgs depending on size of family. The saints at Betera Church of Christ lack the most suitable words to thank you Dear sister for the wonderful acts of mercy which you are continuously performing towards our welfare. Please convey our utter gratefulness to all the brethren who always cooperate with you to ensure that resources are channeled for the welfare of saints at Betera Church of Christ. May you kindly find attached relevant receipts and pictures. Kind regards as we keep praying for your prosperity.
With the tightening socio-economic conditions in Zimbabwe worsened by Covid19 restrictions , we experienced delays in the acquisition of mealie meal for our members but thanks be to the benevolent Lord who is our sure Provider. The supplier who had initially reserved a mealie meal order for us unfortunately ended up selling the reserve after we delayed by a day to make payment to secure the reserved order. By the Grace of God however, we managed to acquire 476 by 10 kg pockets of mealie meal @ US $5 each from another supplier on the 26th of April 2020 then we made the distribution on the 27th of April 2020.
This was an allocation for two months for our members. Some big families got 60 kgs of mealie meal whilst others got allocations ranging between 50, 40 and 30 kgs depending on size of family. The saints at Betera Church of Christ lack the most suitable words to thank you Dear sister for the wonderful acts of mercy which you are continuously performing towards our welfare. Please convey our utter gratefulness to all the brethren who always cooperate with you to ensure that resources are channeled for the welfare of saints at Betera Church of Christ. May you kindly find attached relevant receipts and pictures. Kind regards as we keep praying for your prosperity.
Report from Silence Chiramba Wed, May 20, 2020 1:00 PM
"Good evening my fellow brethren from Zimbabwe, had a wonderful day preaching Christ ."
This was a day of evangelism work and Christian service, of Brother, Silence.
Here are some of the pictures he had taken on this day.
Silence, (in pictures wearing a red/white stripped shirt,) is a hard worker for the Lord.
And we appreciate all he is doing in Jesus' name.
This was a day of evangelism work and Christian service, of Brother, Silence.
Here are some of the pictures he had taken on this day.
Silence, (in pictures wearing a red/white stripped shirt,) is a hard worker for the Lord.
And we appreciate all he is doing in Jesus' name.
Report from Silence Chiramba Sun, May 31, 12:44 PM
"Good evening from Zimbabwe. Hope I find you all well, here we are doing well.
Today I spent the whole day in Mushandike area since we are still in the lock down, we are meeting in home by doing small groups. I was with my family and 1 men brother Masakadze managed to meet 3 groups in different times. Next week Lord's will we are going to do the same in Matihwa.
This is what I shared with 3 groups we meet. Lesson: What does God expect of us (Mt 25:14-130 *some of my points I share
He expects...
- transparency and accountable
- hardworking
- obedience
- use what we have- never make excuses
- laziness doesn't pay
God gave everyone equal opportunity in life but many tend to miss the opportnunity
God wants us to use whatever opportunities he gives us. By some standards, the third servant did well. He didn't steal, waste or lose the money, he guarded and preserved it.
Nevertheless, he was judged as being unfaithful because he did nothing productive with it. We must make the most of our opportunities (Eph 5:16)and use our gifts productively (1Pe 4:10-11)
*The master wanted the servant to invest the money. We're accountable not only for the things we do wrong but also for the good and right things we fail to do.... IF any one... Knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin. (Jas 4:17)"
Today I spent the whole day in Mushandike area since we are still in the lock down, we are meeting in home by doing small groups. I was with my family and 1 men brother Masakadze managed to meet 3 groups in different times. Next week Lord's will we are going to do the same in Matihwa.
This is what I shared with 3 groups we meet. Lesson: What does God expect of us (Mt 25:14-130 *some of my points I share
He expects...
- transparency and accountable
- hardworking
- obedience
- use what we have- never make excuses
- laziness doesn't pay
God gave everyone equal opportunity in life but many tend to miss the opportnunity
God wants us to use whatever opportunities he gives us. By some standards, the third servant did well. He didn't steal, waste or lose the money, he guarded and preserved it.
Nevertheless, he was judged as being unfaithful because he did nothing productive with it. We must make the most of our opportunities (Eph 5:16)and use our gifts productively (1Pe 4:10-11)
*The master wanted the servant to invest the money. We're accountable not only for the things we do wrong but also for the good and right things we fail to do.... IF any one... Knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin. (Jas 4:17)"
Report from Joseph Sullivan (OH3 COORDINATOR and Website manager)
Date posted - 6/5/2020
OH3 has not been getting alot of donations the past few months. Due to this many saints in Zimbabwe are suffering and those we usually help are not being helped. The report section on this page is meant to show the good being done. So the messages and reports we are getting for pleas of help, in the emails are not listed here. But there is a great need right now. You may see in the last few months of positive reporting, that their are still success stories and encouraging messages from those in Zimbabwe. But from these report, you will also see such reports are not as frequent as they used to be. Please share us with the brotherhood and help get the word out about OH3. We need the saints to help us, help these struggling brothers and sisters in South Africa. Help us make a difference. To those who have helped and are helping, you have our deep appreciation, from OH3. Also, those in Zimbabwe are incredibly grateful for all your doing. THANK YOU. :) MUCH GOOD IS STILL BEING DONE> :) OH3 could not reach these people without your help. I know with the Coronavirus and with people being out of work, this is a difficult time for everyone. Please keep this work in your prayers. We need you in this effort.
May God bless you...
Joseph Sullivan
May God bless you...
Joseph Sullivan
OH3 Newsletter for the month of May - Report given on 5/20/20
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Click on the file below to download the OH3 Newsletter

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"Greetings ... I hope I find you well and others. Today was our first day to go back and meet together at building.
My lesson I shared today was on:Ways to overcome sin as Jesus overcame.
(1) Jesus says something incredible in Revelation 3:21: To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. These words are so great, they can almost be hard to grasp! All Christians believe that through Jesus’ sacrifice we can get forgiveness and be reconciled to God. But here Jesus is saying that I can also overcome sin as Jesus overcame! This means there must be way more to it than forgiveness of sins.
(2) Using the Word as a weapon
God’s Word is a sword. ( Ephesians 6:17;
Hebrews 4:12) It is the absolute truth, and a powerful weapon against Satan and Sins When Jesus was tempted by the devil, His reply always started with It is written…( Matthew 4:1-11) But Jesus didn’t only quote the Word..He had authority when He used God’s Word, because He also lived by it.
I visited 2 places Mushandike and Matihwa."
My lesson I shared today was on:Ways to overcome sin as Jesus overcame.
(1) Jesus says something incredible in Revelation 3:21: To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. These words are so great, they can almost be hard to grasp! All Christians believe that through Jesus’ sacrifice we can get forgiveness and be reconciled to God. But here Jesus is saying that I can also overcome sin as Jesus overcame! This means there must be way more to it than forgiveness of sins.
(2) Using the Word as a weapon
God’s Word is a sword. ( Ephesians 6:17;
Hebrews 4:12) It is the absolute truth, and a powerful weapon against Satan and Sins When Jesus was tempted by the devil, His reply always started with It is written…( Matthew 4:1-11) But Jesus didn’t only quote the Word..He had authority when He used God’s Word, because He also lived by it.
I visited 2 places Mushandike and Matihwa."
From saints being helped in Mutoko
"Good evening from Zimbabwe. I hope you had a blessed Lord's day .Ours was great I manage to attend 2 worship service at Mushandike Church in the morning and Matihwa church in afternoon.
My lesson was on:
-The bible clearly Identifies Jesus as the only means of salvation (Jn 14:6,Acts 4:12,Php 2:9-11)
-Acts 2:37-39, 16:31,Rom 10:9 we see that believing in Jesus and his unique work is the only way to gain access for forgiveness.
After preaching afternoon in Matihwa, 11 people accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ today and were buried with Him to rise to a new life.(5men and 6 Women) prayers for this new babies.
Yours Son in Faith
My lesson was on:
-The bible clearly Identifies Jesus as the only means of salvation (Jn 14:6,Acts 4:12,Php 2:9-11)
-Acts 2:37-39, 16:31,Rom 10:9 we see that believing in Jesus and his unique work is the only way to gain access for forgiveness.
After preaching afternoon in Matihwa, 11 people accepted the Lordship of Jesus Christ today and were buried with Him to rise to a new life.(5men and 6 Women) prayers for this new babies.
Yours Son in Faith
"Because of the Corona virus the saints observing social distancing.
There is great hunger here in Kariba. This area is about 400kms from Mahusekwa in the Zambezi valley.
Going there is not easy since traveling is restricted.
Pass out message of thanking those who send the help."
There is great hunger here in Kariba. This area is about 400kms from Mahusekwa in the Zambezi valley.
Going there is not easy since traveling is restricted.
Pass out message of thanking those who send the help."
Note: Because of you, these Christians in need were helped.
DATE POSTED - 7/21/2020
Factual data of Zimbabwe hunger crisis:
I want to detail the crisis is real and that there is a sever need. The work your doing in helping these saints in these harsh lands...makes a difference. But for those of you who want to read more on the crisis of 2020 in Zimbabwe, I wanted to share some links that shows data on the poverty and hunger crisis our brethren are facing. I also have attached (below) a document from a preacher who works in Zimbabwe...that he shared with me on the economic struggles taking place in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe rated as one of the world’s top global food crises in new United Nations report - Dated 27 April 2020
More than 14 million people facing acute hunger in one of the largest food crises in Southern Africa - Dated 7 Feb 2020
Zimbabwe on verge of 'manmade starvation', warns UN envoy - Dated Nov 29 2019
Also, see an article written in 2019 on the month of December on hunger crisis
Joseph Sullivan
Zimbabwe rated as one of the world’s top global food crises in new United Nations report - Dated 27 April 2020
More than 14 million people facing acute hunger in one of the largest food crises in Southern Africa - Dated 7 Feb 2020
Zimbabwe on verge of 'manmade starvation', warns UN envoy - Dated Nov 29 2019
Also, see an article written in 2019 on the month of December on hunger crisis
Joseph Sullivan
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Zimbabwe crisis report

fews_net_zimbabwe_food_security_outlook_-_june_2020_to_january_2021.pdf | |
File Size: | 1166 kb |
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For the month of July you will notice we have included evangelism reports from faithful preachers who are helping us share food. but you will also notice we have only a few reports of saints being help by donations. Even though these people need food. We need your help. Please consider supporting the saints in ZIMBABWE.
REPORT FROM Farai Chingondi on Jun 28, 2020, 11:24 AM
Brief report and pictures of people being helped...BECAUSE OF YOU! :)
"Here is our last distribution (in June) done today at Mahusekwa."
- Farai Chingondi
"Here is our last distribution (in June) done today at Mahusekwa."
- Farai Chingondi
REPORT FROM Silence Chiramba On Jun 28, 2020, 3:18 PM
"Good evening from Zimbabwe i hope I find you well, here we had blessed Lord's day. For the past 3 days up today was with my family preaching christ in village, visiting our fellow brethren encouraging them. Some of my text I was sharing with them was John 15 like Jesus did urge his disciples to remain in him John 15:4.
Today our day was well again, we managed to worship in morning at Mushandike and in the afternoon at Matihwa.
I preached on how to be a true disciple of Christ. After worship services at Mushandike, 2 people were added and at Matihwa 3 people were added again. Ask prayers for these babies to remain in Him."
Today our day was well again, we managed to worship in morning at Mushandike and in the afternoon at Matihwa.
I preached on how to be a true disciple of Christ. After worship services at Mushandike, 2 people were added and at Matihwa 3 people were added again. Ask prayers for these babies to remain in Him."
"Good evening from Zimbabwe.
I hope I find you all well ,as from this side we all well expect one of our brothers in Matihwa Church he didn't make it to worship services it's now 3 days suffering of pneumonia we kindly seek your prayers his name is brother Bob Mavhima.
My a lesson was on :THE WAY OF THE CROSS
Mark 8:34-37
MT 5:3
ROM 6:1-11
COL 3:1-4
Enjoy your viewing after worship at Mushandike in the morning 2 obeyed gospel same thing again after worship in afternoon in Matihwa 2 obeyed again. Prayers for this new babies in Christ."
- Silence Chiramba
"Good evening.
Enjoy your viewing that's today midweek service, my wife and I left our house 8 am and return now at 7 pm spend whole day preaching Christ in different locations Mushandike, Matihwa and in evening visit other brethren who are not feeling well.
Prayers for the Lord's work here in Masvingo,today was having men classes separated with ladies. We started studying the book of Mathew and Genesis."
Enjoy your viewing that's today midweek service, my wife and I left our house 8 am and return now at 7 pm spend whole day preaching Christ in different locations Mushandike, Matihwa and in evening visit other brethren who are not feeling well.
Prayers for the Lord's work here in Masvingo,today was having men classes separated with ladies. We started studying the book of Mathew and Genesis."
"Good evening from Zimbabwe hope you had a wonderful Lord's day too.
Ours was a Great day to see...1 brother and 2 sisters baptized at Mushandike.
Again we had baptism at Matihwa in the afternoon. We add 1 brother and 1 sister... to make the total of 5 people putting on Christ!
May we all help and pray for them as they begun a new direction of life!
My sermon was on: Doing Good "
Ours was a Great day to see...1 brother and 2 sisters baptized at Mushandike.
Again we had baptism at Matihwa in the afternoon. We add 1 brother and 1 sister... to make the total of 5 people putting on Christ!
May we all help and pray for them as they begun a new direction of life!
My sermon was on: Doing Good "